Ronald Weinland, you should read Matthew 9:13

"Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today Ronald Weinland told us he is an apostle. More initials to put after his name I guess. The show must go on, even if you drop the ball in the middle of the stage.

His prophetship didn't work out so he is moving into Apostlehood. What adventures await us?

Ronald Weinland is a type of minister who feeds off those he deceives, and creates atheism among those who have never even read the bible. Those who eventually see through his delusions, leave with an incredible burden of decision.

If Satan were hiring today, his corporate headhunter would be making Ronald Weinland an offer he would not refuse.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for getting the scoop on this. I am wondering what this means to his prophetic statements and books. Did he lie when he said he would admit he was a false prophet? Is Ronald Weinland a liar because he didn't do what he said he would do?

jack635 said...

He has already admitted to being a false prophet when he said if things don't come to pass as he has said, "then I am a false prophet".

He said that with his own mouth in a radio interview. But his deception continues, even though he stated he would be a false prophet if things didn't pan out by pentecost last year.

Anonymous said...

Did he lie when he said he would admit he was a false prophet? Is Ronald Weinland a liar because he didn't do what he said he would do?


Mike (Don't Drink the Flavor Aid) said...

Ron claims to be both an apostle AND a prophet.

jack635 said...

anon 1213

There is no doubt in my mind that Ronald Weinland is a liar.


Today was the first time I heard him say he is definitly an apostle.
Let's see. He is a pastor, Revelation witness, a prophet, an apostle.......what's next? Master? or God? How about High Priest? Now matter how far he pushes it, there will be fresh young impressionable minds to follow him to the next level.

Witprostle Weinland is proof that ministers should be certified mentally competent before being allowed licenced access to a congregation.

Mike (Don't Drink the Flavor Aid) said...

Yesterday was the first time he claimed publicly to be an apostle, in addition to prophet/spokesman witness.

He has trouble keeping track of dates, as I discuss on my blog.

jack635 said...

Yes he is a man of many titles. Like the con artist who has ten different business cards in his wallet.

Brother Rolf said...

I am a prophet and I predict Weinland will declare himself Pope

xHWA said...

Me and my wife are prophets and apostles!

(jk -- satire based on line from Life of Brian)

Unknown said...

The blind man is foolish because he can't see, so as is the mind of man because he can't see truth that looks him right in the face.

jack635 said...

Sorry about the spam people. I am working to remove it.

jack635 said...

All are welcome, even Ron.