Ronald Weinland, you should read Matthew 9:13

"Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."

Monday, April 20, 2009


Ron thinks the little words like gee and golly and gee whiz are what we say when we really mean to take the name of God in vain. If I say "gee" I don't think God will get mad at me, because I am not taking his name in vain. That is the difference between freedom and slavery.

He mentions how some people weren't afraid to speak against Mr Armstrong, God's servant and end time apostle. I've got news for you Ron: Herb is dead. He is in an expensive mahogany box six feet under. I guess he didn't really believe in Jesus.

I'm dumbfounded that those who follow Ron don't know they are just his $laves.


Anonymous said...

Heavens to Murgatroid, I tell ya...the preaching of the Two Witnesses just becomes profounder and profounder.

jack635 said...

Haven't heard that in ages. I think it's huckleberry hound or yogi bear.

Deb said...

Ron is all about the Dont's and keeping the flock walking on egg shells in self-condemnation - his sermons are the same stuff recycled year after year - His anger and indignation directed to others

Same goes for Wayne & Johnny - they have given those sermons before - although not verbatim - the words & intent are a little re-arranged

I think it was SNAGGEL-PUSS - (not sure of the spelling) he,he

Anonymous said...

Deb is spouting hatred for God's true church.
Yet another pathetic mocker. How sad.

Deb said...

To Anon:

All I can say is Golly, Gee Whiz

Anonymous said...

Golly gee, the only reason why euphemisms come up in his sermons is because that's all he knows how to talk about! That's what he was fed at Ambassador College and also in the 1970s and 1980s Worldwide Church of God. Pathetic really.

Yep, that's why God is going to STRIKE THE EARTH MIGHTILY, because we are a bunch of sinners saying golly gee. (who uses that language anymore anyway? for goodness sake)

Again, his prophecies have failed so he falls back on this Armstrong crap. Get a life. Get a grip people. He's the most pathetic prophet in the last 20 years.

Anonymous said...

For goodness sakes people, stop sending this guy money! He will stop this lunacy as soon as he doesn't have people SENDING HIM MONEY! If you send in your money to this guy, you are a loser. You lose in life and will be spiritually and financially bankrupt after it is all said and done. MARK MY WORDS. Your sleep will never be peaceful after your high priest and priestess Ron and Laura are debunked as God's Final Witnesses. (If you have ears to hear).

jack635 said...

anonymous said:
Deb is spouting hatred for God's true church.
Yet another pathetic mocker. How sad.

Hatred is a pretty strong word. The only hatred I see is the supporters of Weinlandism insulting those who have compared what Ron said with the bible. The bible comes up as the winner.

Mike (Don't Drink the Flavor Aid) said...

I believe that it's one Weinlander that is posting all the insults on my blog and yours. Who might not even be a PKG member, but is giving the rest of them a bad name in any case.

jack635 said...


"might not even be a PKG member"
That is what I thought a couple of weeks ago. One of the anonymous's is either a trouble maker, or a bona fide pkg member with emotional challenges.

My personal belief is it may be think-differently, lashing out at the group he feels is responsible for leading Citizen X astray.