Ronald Weinland, you should read Matthew 9:13

"Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lies, Lies, and More Lies

I got the title for this post from the mouth of Wayne Matthews. He said that people don't really want to hear the truth. His sermon today had the theme of IN THE TRUTH THERE IS NO LIE, which is a quote I mentioned in my You Have Crossed The Line rebuttal to RW's "Jesus lied" sermon.

Here's an ironic comment acting-prophet Matthews made:
"Religion is the greatest culprit of all when it comes to lying." That statement also applies to the leader(s) of the COG-PKG.(and any other preacher that puts a bible in front of him and starts babbling)

He doesn't have the anger in his voice like RW, but he does dwell in the old testament. All preachers who dwell in the old testament deny the power of the Master who bought them. They don't even know the name of God.

The old testament priests obfuscated the Name because they eventually decided it was too holy to be pronounced, thus paving the way to "forget the name of God". The recent use of Yahway or yahweh or yahovah or jehovah etc, were all conceived by trying to guess what YHWH meant.

The Name of God is plainly declared in the new testament. Jesus drew attention to the Name by his sacrifice. YHWH = Jesus, which is english for Yeshu the short form of Yeshua or Joshua in Hebrew. Because I speak english I pronounce it Jesus. I don't use hebrew words because I don't speak Hebrew. Ditto for Greek and Latin. We are supposed to preach plainly, not diverting with exotic words to look important and wise. When a Jew says "sabbath" or "messiah", does he say it in english with the rest of his sentence in hebrew? Why should an english speaking preacher use words not pronounced in english?

The bible is all about the "Name" of the author of life, and Jesus came here to glorify his name. Jesus said "I have manifested your name". Jesus Christ is the only name by which you can be saved. Do all these preachers think that God is a little slow, and won't understand that yeesoos or heysoos means Jesus? When they try to be perceived as wise they end up looking foolish.

The "temp" then said: "To those who refuse to believe the truth that God has revealed to his church, the church of god PKG, God calls you a liar."

You say God calls me a liar because I do not believe Ron and Laura are prophets. I say you are a liar who has been deceived by Ronald Weinland. You say I will surely die within the next three years. I know that where ever I am, at any given time, I am protected by the love of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Son of the Living God. Now that's what I call faith. And I didn't learn that in any church, or from the mouth of a preacher in a pulpit.

Here is a fitting scripture from the testimony of Jesus Christ:

And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.

Wayne Matthews said "All truth comes from God, so everything that Jesus Christ spoke was true." But Ronald Weinland said in a sermon a few weeks ago, when Jesus said "I am He", he didn't really mean it, it wasn't true. From that I see there is a little division in Ronald's house...and a house divided will not stand, and is coming to an end.

WM speaks of Jesus and God and quotes scriptures, but he glorifies and promotes a man who declares himself a prophet and says Jesus lied so the Jews would believe what they wanted to believe. Would a real prophet of God tell others he is a prophet? Well lets take a look at the last prophet recorded in the bible: John the baptist. Did he declare that he was a prophet? No!

As the people were in expectation, and all were questioning in their hearts concerning John, whether he might be the Christ

Luke 3:15 clearly shows that John did not declare he was a prophet. If he had told them he was a prophet, they would not have questioned in their hearts whether he might be the Christ. And of course in John 1:21 "Are you the prophet?" And he answered 'No'.

That may seem straightforward to you and I, but the PKG'ers would retort that is not what "the" prophet means. If they asked JtB if he was "a" prophet, then I would be right. But since the word "the" is used, I am wrong and I don't get it.
That is how they divert the discussion away to another subject. At least that is my impression of them after trying to carry out a reasonable discussion of scripture with an anonymous member.

Ronald Weinland proclaimed that he is a prophet of God. He is not. He seeks his own glory. He lives in luxury. This next scripture fully applies to Ronald Weinland and those who glorify him.

This people honours me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men--Mat 15:8-9

If Ronald Weinland was a true prophet of God, he would not be absent from a sabbath day preaching opportunity. He is only a man living in luxury, with delusions of holding a prophetship; but being denied prophethood on account of lies, lies, and more lies.


Anonymous said...

Yes, that is why many people have been disfellowhipped from the cog-pkg branch of the cog in this past two months. Several individuals are questioning Ron & Laura Weinland.

jack635 said...

I have a feeling there will be many more questioning whether or not their pastor is faithful to God. More disfellowships are sure to follow soon.

Or perhaps a shake up in the upper management of the PKG?

Mike (Don't Drink the Flavor Aid) said...

Anon: Do you have more details? What kind of sources do you have?

Jack: Ron IS the upper management. His evangelists and elders are just stooges. If there's any shakeup, it will be people voting with their feet. I doubt that any of the elders could drag a following with them.

Anonymous said...

If Ron can break away from his previous churches and have a following, so could his elders. Ron was just one of them until he promoted himself.

The biggest lie that Ron Weinland perpetrates is not about being a prophet, but about who Jesus was (and is). You are spot on in your assessment. If you are SO FAR wrong on that one point, then everything else (including claims of being a prophet) are false, they are lies. Look at his "prophecies" of 2008 - all of them false, wrong, didn't come to pass. Why? Because God does not work with people who deny His Son.

Of course you could make the argument that his delusions of self grandeur led him to feel like it was OK to dismantle foundational Christian beliefs about God.

Ron Weinland gets another label- heretic.

jack635 said...

Anon 7:38pm april 12

"Several individuals are questioning Ron & Laura Weinland.

Would that be members you are talking about? Or could it be people from the office of James A. Zerhusen, Esq.?

jack635 said...

I do understand Ron is the grand poobah of his PKG and operating under the "Enabling Act" of fuhrership. I was thinking along the lines of what happened with Stanley Rader when he was no longer an ordained minister but retained as a paid con$ultant. Ron's gotta be worth $750k a year, dontcha think?

Mike (Don't Drink the Flavor Aid) said...

Jack, the way these things work, it will probably be some time before James Zerhusen's office gets involved. And they wouldn't be able to question them unless they are so foolish as to take the stand.

Stan Rader had legal and other skillz, after all he was able to get the California Attorney General off their back eventually so that that Herbie could continue to plunder.

But maybe Ron's worth $750K a year. If he can maintain 1000 tithe-slaves, that's only $750/year per slave.

jack635 said...

You're right about the U.S. Attorney's office. They seem to be so slow, this may just disappear.

Off to another topic; where can I get a picture of the elder called Johnny Harrelson?
I've put the appropriate headgear on Matthews and I am anticipating Harrelson speaking on Saturday. I got Matthews from your site under implied consent.

Mike (Don't Drink the Flavor Aid) said...

The US Attorney's office can't do anything until the IRS completes its investigation. And that can take some time -- average investigation takes longer than one year. And then there's a review process. Wouldn't expect anything before the end of the year.

I don't know about the doctrine of implied consent, but putting the headgear on Wayne is fine by me. As far as Johnny Harrell's photo, haven't been able to find one to share yet. If I do, I'll let you know. Or you'll see it on my blog first.