Ronald Weinland, you should read Matthew 9:13

"Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."

Saturday, December 24, 2011

I'm Not Waiting For The End

I'm not waiting for the end..........of Ron's sermon. He really got under my skin today. While I was upstairs waiting for some chicken nuggets I heard him yelling about 'snakes in the grass'. I'm not even going to edit my notes. Here is what I wrote. have a happy time with your families everyone.

I missed the first ten minutes because I was out today doing some last minute shopping before all the stores close for Christmas. Got some huge scallops. They are going to be deliciously pan fried in butter. (sound of Homer Simpson drooling)

Clicked on the sermon just in time to hear Ron saying "because of where we are in time, there is to be no new marriage, no dating." So now the poor sheep are not allowed to love or marry or have children. I will tell you why. Dating costs money. Marriage costs money. Kids cost money. If you don't have these extra expenses, you will have more money to give to a con artist named Ronald Weinland.

"Europe is right on the edge and that's awesome for you to be able to witness that!"

What does that mean? I see Europe "right on the edge" of getting their shit back together so the world's rich can start making even more money. The governments have been spending money like an 18 year old drunken sailor on a payday shore leave. They have to realize they are elected officials, not Kings or Roman Emperors. But Ron means europe is about to suffer economic collapse and destroy the U.S. with Russia and China.

Ron finds destruction and worries as "awesomely inspiring". How can you PKG members lap up this shit soup? He's a con artist babbling words and ideas, pretending to be a prophet so he can take your money. If I didn't know he was a con artist I would say he was absolutely nuts. He is the one who twists and distorts the Bible. He is the definition of "tyranny", when it comes to how PKG members will spend their money.

Ron says his mockers hate him and the spirit of murder is hate. So his mockers want to kill him. No Ron, I don't want to kill you, I want you to be put in prison for three and a half years. For being a thief. And I don't care if you stole from the government, I care that you stole from your "sheep".

Maybe some time by yourself will let you read the testimony of Jesus Christ, and see it is all about love thy neighbour, and not get get get, while everyone worships you,

Oh, and Merry Christmas to everyone, even you Ron. Awesome.


James said...

Hey what the hell is wrong with you?


How many scallops did ye buy?

jack635 said...

I don't interpret the Word. I just write it down exactly as it is written.

"1Ti 6:3 If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, 1Ti 6:4 he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing."

Gal 1:9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.

You PKGers quit following a proven false prophet. Pick up your Bible and start reading on the first page of Matthew NOT the first page of Genesis. Otherwise, you deserve what people like Ron Weinland are going to do to you. The end of the Bible is Paradise. The end with Ron is misery.

jack635 said...

Scallops? What scallops? Humbug I say, HUMBUG!

James said...

I hope you know they are UNCLEAN.

jack635 said...

I'll wash them. Butter them. Fry them. And eat them.

And I read in Bible (Somewhere near the back.) that what God has made clean, you shall not call unclean.

No one can tell ME what to do, because I KNOW what I can and can't do.

jack635 said...

The house is quiet. Beautiful loved children are sleeping. Time to put out the presents under that tree the armstrongists call and evil idol.

I love to see the beaming smiles on their little faces as they giggle and jump up and down by bending their little knees. I make that happen every day.

I feel sorry for those poor little ones who are parented by the Armstrong/Old testament types. Do they ever feel happy and loved?

Love is the most powerful parenting tool that exists. Children mimic what they see and hear....EVERYDAY.

Mark said...

Someday Ron will come to know the real Jesus, not his fabricated version. It will be either on bended knee (by him) or on bended knee (by Him).
Either way, Jesus gets all the glory. Merry Christmas.