Ronald Weinland, you should read Matthew 9:13

"Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Word is true.

The results of an INTERNATIONAL survey on Ronald Weinland are in.
Conducted by CanServe, the following question was asked:
Do you think Ronald Weinland a pastor with the his "church of god" will:

A. Be arrested?
B. Pull a Jimmy Swaggart type confession in front of his congregation admitting he was deceived?
C. Disappear with all the money raised by his "church"?
D. Be called up to heaven because he is God's prophet?

55% of those polled said he would disappear with the money to Switzerland.
25% said he would repent a la Jimmy Swaggart.
15% said he would called up to heaven.
5% said he would be arrested.

I think I agree with the poll. Although he is a pastor, he is also an author and could think he is entitled to the money raised through book sales and decide to take it all when he leaves.


jack635 said...

I got in just under the wire with that one. I am a man of my word. I said I would have a great announcement of my own on Sept 30, and I kept my word. I was at a friends house yesterday discussing the financial crisis and did not get home till late. But I did click the PUBLISH POST button befoe midnight, so I am a man of my word. Ronald Weinland is not a man of his word. He is still preaching his false prophecies.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't something major supposed to happen this week? On Tuesday, I think?

I am sure that Weinland saw it as a major event when the US Congress rejected the bailout bill. That was the day before Tuesday.

Problem for Weinland is, there are constantly major things in the news. There is no such thing as a slow news week anymore.

This is a great time to be a prophet. You can never be totally wrong.

Anonymous said...

I'm not aware of anything major that was supposed to happen regarding RW. According to his last sermon the feast of trumpets was supposed to happen on tuesday, but I don't remember him saying anything fantastic was going to happen. On another blog (Don't drink the favor ade) it was mentioned that another guy named Malm said the man of perdition would be revealed on sept 30.

Now I had promised a great announcement on tuesday, as revealed on the post above. I almost became false by almost forgetting to post it, but I got in under the wire.