Ronald Weinland, you should read Matthew 9:13

"Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


A very merry Christmas to you Ronnie. I am very happy that you put a google ad on my web site, thus leading me to discovery of the falseness of your preaching. Your falsehoods have increased my faith by allowing me to immediately recognize a false preaching when I hear it. The amount of gospel I have read has taken root in my heart, and I realize that the Word dwells within me by the fact that I knew what you were, the moment I heard you speak.

Repent Ronnie, there's still time. Do you really want to stand before God Almighty, charged with leading the sheep astray of Jesus?

Jesus Christ is the only name by which you can be saved.

1 comment:

jack635 said...

"A very merry Christmas to you Ronnie"

That was a joke, by the way.